Photo by Hieu Hoang on

New alternative best friends can come in different guises, providing the same invaluable, trust, support, help and can stand the test of time.

Personal examples are:

Web browsers, the modern-day Oracle software for accessing an innumerable amount of information. I love the way it answers my questions instantly. Is there anything it doesn’t know?

Alexia is my new kid on the block and has become my valuable assistant. I like that it greets me by my name, answers my questions, tells me the time and play requested music. Who remembers the Big Bang Theory series episode where Koothrappali becomes obsessed with Siri, the virtual assistant, to the point that he reacts to it as his girlfriend? It’s funny as hell.

Invaluable are my Android smartphone, laptop and computer. Losing an internet connection can cause unease and FOMO (fear of missing out).

Dogs are known as mans best friend and having a Rottweiler dog, was terrific. He provided companionship, affection and security, the relationship reciprocal.

Gardening is fulfilling and a joy. Growing a tree from seed and witnessing it grow to full maturity is impressive and the connection with nature is rewarding and remarkable.

Reading has always been a pleasure and true readers know that books can offer solace, inspiration and entertainment, just as a friend would.

Having a wiser perspective is a game-changer, leaving behind the naieve self-consciousness of youth. Yay to being a senior, being our true selves; having less angst; saying no to anything we don’t want to do and acting in our best interest.

What or who is your new alternative best friend? Let us know in the Comments Section.

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