Rosetta is 5 foot 9 inches with an endomorph physique. She wears too much makeup, over accessories, believes gaudiness is fashion, thinks her best feature is her voluptuous beasts and has a penchant for wigs. Minutes before leaving for an anticipated party with her best friend, feeling especially excited and glamorous she makes a dramatic…

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It is amazing how vivid some memories remain decades later. From age ten my mother was aware something was amiss with my posture. Regularly asked to stand straight, I would carefully put my feet together standing as erect as I could, but the outcome was always the same. Perplexed she would adjust my shoulders which…

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We love and admire our mother, she is after all our first role model. The symbiotic relationship so often associated with mother/daughter relationships last until such time until the apron strings are detached and we become women in our own right. We can all no doubt associate with the paradoxes of our own mother, the…

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At a drinks party eyeing the enticing smorgasbord of delicacies and about to make my selection, I was greeted with a beaming smile and an enthusiastic welcoming hug by a tall, attractive woman. I of course acquiesced, as you do. Exchanging how we both were and enjoying a jovial chat, we were interrupted by the…

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